Expro Excellence
Acumen Metering Solutions
Subsea well riser monitoring for flow assurance and production surveillance
Customer challenges
  • The operator had deep water subsea high rate gas condensate wells which were tied back to the existing production platform which had a potential peak well production rate of 200MMscfd
  • Currently early production on the risers ranged from ~100-270MMscfd with CGRs ranging from 45-55 STB/MMscfd and water cuts ranging from 1.5%-4%. Pressure ~ 125 barg
    • The customer required measurement on the comingled production risers specifically for:
  • Flow assurance during well start-up operations specifically given the concerns over hydrate prevention in the long tie back
  • Reservoir performance measurement testing by difference where each riser supported a three well subsea template
  • Individual Multi Phase Flow Meter (MPFM) for each subsea wellhead was cost-prohibitive for a topside inline multiphase meter
  • Field life above 20 years with increasing water production throughout the life of the field
Expro Excellence
  • Due to space constraints on the existing facility avoiding significant modification costs the customer required an alternative to traditional in-line metering
  • Expro was approached to provide non-intrusive ActiveSONAR meters and flow computers to provide real-time production surveillance on ten 12in risers on the platform
  • The customer required Expro to participate in flow loop trials to demonstrate functionality across the full range of process conditions anticipated at start-up, plateau production, and late field life (GVF range 88-100%)
  • Customer also required assurance that clamp-on SONAR could function on one-inch thick duplex piping where they had concerns from experience with traditional industrial clam-on ultrasonic meters
Value to client
  • Expro successfully completed flow loop trials demonstrating measuring capability across the full range of process conditions and the duplex piping
  • The small footprint SONAR meter was compatible without having to make any modifications to the existing piping network on the platform
  • Expro has installed and commissioned multiple meters on the risers and live data is being streamed to the customer to assist with well operations and production forecasting

Subsea well riser monitoring for flow assurance and production surveillance

In Brief
Expro approached to provide non-intrusive ActiveSONAR meters and flow computers to provide real-time production surveillance
Product Line
  • Acumen Metering Solutions
Europe and Sub Saharan Africa
Customer challenges
  • The operator had deep water subsea high rate gas condensate wells which were tied back to the existing production platform which had a potential peak well production rate of 200MMscfd
  • Currently early production on the risers ranged from ~100-270MMscfd with CGRs ranging from 45-55 STB/MMscfd and water cuts ranging from 1.5%-4%. Pressure ~ 125 barg
    • The customer required measurement on the comingled production risers specifically for:
  • Flow assurance during well start-up operations specifically given the concerns over hydrate prevention in the long tie back
  • Reservoir performance measurement testing by difference where each riser supported a three well subsea template
  • Individual Multi Phase Flow Meter (MPFM) for each subsea wellhead was cost-prohibitive for a topside inline multiphase meter
  • Field life above 20 years with increasing water production throughout the life of the field
Expro Excellence
  • Due to space constraints on the existing facility avoiding significant modification costs the customer required an alternative to traditional in-line metering
  • Expro was approached to provide non-intrusive ActiveSONAR meters and flow computers to provide real-time production surveillance on ten 12in risers on the platform
  • The customer required Expro to participate in flow loop trials to demonstrate functionality across the full range of process conditions anticipated at start-up, plateau production, and late field life (GVF range 88-100%)
  • Customer also required assurance that clamp-on SONAR could function on one-inch thick duplex piping where they had concerns from experience with traditional industrial clam-on ultrasonic meters
Value to client
  • Expro successfully completed flow loop trials demonstrating measuring capability across the full range of process conditions and the duplex piping
  • The small footprint SONAR meter was compatible without having to make any modifications to the existing piping network on the platform
  • Expro has installed and commissioned multiple meters on the risers and live data is being streamed to the customer to assist with well operations and production forecasting

For further information, please contact:

[email protected]